Animals - Corrupted Event


Price: 36000 tokens


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level 750

Corrupted Creatures are a variant of normal Creatures corrupted by  Element that are found on Extinction, the corruption enslaving their behavior into a "hive-mentality". Creatures that are corrupted are more powerful, extremely aggressive (regardless of their previous Temperament), and untameable. All Corrupted Creatures can destroy  Tek-tier Structures and will attack the structure when in range.

Projectiles from corrupted creatures are tinted in purple, and if they are hit by ranged projectile, the hit marker will appear in purple, as opposed to normal/friendly hit marker which appears red/green/orange respectively.

Some creatures drops rare materials like  Black Pearl,  AnglerGel, and will often drop  Corrupted Nodule . Corrupted Nodules essentially functions the exact same way as  Organic Polymer does, with a spoilage timer, use as a  Polymer substitute, and a suicide pill when consumed.

All Corrupted Creatures have a chance, based on creature strength, to drop a  Corrupt Heart  after killed. This means the stronger the creature, the more likely it will drop a Corrupt Heart.

The  Enforcer does 4x or 400% more damage then it usually does to any and all corrupted creatures, giving it a significant advantage to kill corrupted and help a survivor travel the Wastelands more safely.

All Corrupted Creatures take significantly less damage from  Turrets.

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