Armory - Weapons & Armor


Price: 800 tokens

About Hide Armor (Super Quality)
Have you ever heard the expression Your momma is going to tan your hide? Well this armor set has absolutely nothing to do with that. Keeps you warm while providing some physical protection. Includes The Hide Shirt is a chest-slot armor piece from the second tier of Armors, Hide. The Hide Gloves are a hands-slot armor piece from the second tier of Armors, Hide. The Hide Pants are a leg-slot armor piece from the second tier of Armors, Hide. The Hide Boots are a feet-slot armor piece from the second tier of Armors, Hide. The Hide Hat is a head-slot armor piece from the second tier of Armors, Hide. *This item will be random generated at 33-88 which insures ascendant quality with varying probability of AC or Dmg. This reward is for gold donation only and "at your own risk", however if you feel that a roll is way lower then expected, please DM an admin via DM in discord to help.

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