Animals - Modded


Price: 52000 tokens

Only Purchasable by PC Players
About Phosphatodraco
Tamed level 300 for breeding.

Phosphatodraco is a medium-sized Azdharchid pterosaur related to Quetzalcoatlus. Like Quetzalcoatlus, Phosphatodraco is largely docile to humans, unless provoked. It spends its time soaring high on strong winds, searching for food as well as its namesake: Phosphate. For Phosphatodraco, the ARK's variant has evolved to incorporate salt into its biology. Using its hook-like bill, Phosphatodraco pecks at salt deposits and stores the salt inside its body. It is then capable of spraying this salt with considerable force in self-defense: blasting targets with salt from its nose. This generally pushes targets back, blinding them in the process. This makes phosphatodraco useful in self-defense. As a pterosaur, Phosphatodraco is fairly powerful among its kin thanks to its size and large, hooked bill. Its salt ability can help keep targets at bay, and its an adept and somewhat fast flier. While far from the king of the sky, it's a fairly useful pterosaur. Some survivors try to use the fact it can peck away at stone and hard mineral deposits to use Phosphatodraco as a flying ankylosaur: however, this pterosaur has adapted to only carry finely grained resources like Salt and Sulfur easily. They'll find the poor pterosaur has a hard time carrying heavier mineral resources than most other creatures!

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