to claim this dino type in Game chat /kit beckle About Becklespinax Tamed Level 750 non-breedable
Becklespinax has actually adapted to metabolize element, and prefers it over meat to sustain itself. The creature's jaws are also highly effective at dispatching corrupted creatures- making this rare animal a must-have for any extinction survivor!
Becklespinax deals 1.5x damage to any robotic or corrupted entities.
Becklespinax has a special insulation buff, which, while only about half as effective as a standard insulation buff, makes the rider immune to the wasteland debuff.
Becklespinax gather 6x the normal rate of element dust, 6.5x the normal rate of element shards, and 7.5x the normal rate for element.
Element Harvest Corrupted Killer
ATTN: Color/Gender/Stats are generated at complete random. Please see the "Customize your dino or you" section for more options.
Only deliverable on the ASE cluster!