Armory - Weapons & Armor


Price: 10000 tokens

About Longneck Rifle
Bonus 150 - 500 "random possibility" The Longneck Rifle is a hunting-style rifle that can be unlocked at level 35. At 196 damage(to creatures), the Longneck Rifle has the highest damage per shot of any gun in the game, however it also has a few drawbacks: The Longneck Rifle sways when using a Scope Attachment. You can reduce this slightly by crouching and significantly by going prone. The sway cannot be eliminated entirely. A Longneck without a scope does not have any sway. The Longneck Rifle can only fire 1 round per reload, and has a very long reload time. You can't use attachments like Scope Attachment when using Tranquilizer Dart

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