Animals - Aberration


Price: 29000 tokens

About Cosmo
Tamed lvl 300

I've found just the friend to get you through these low places, but you're going to need to keep an open mind. Though I guess anyone that's made it this far shouldn't be afraid of an itsy bitsy jumping spider. Not to mention that there's more to this shy little charmer than meets the eyes (all eight of 'em)...

With all the horrors crawling around down here, it's easy to see why any spider might be a bit jumpy. And why it might have needed a clever new trick of its own to keep the shadows at bay.

Cosmophasis seems to know when predators can be chased away by its glowing webbing. That same danger-sense tells the spider to turn out the light when something comes seeking it.

It's never easy to win someone over who's had to hide their light away in dark times. But once you do, you'll have a ride or die angel on your shoulder. Gain this spider's trust, and Cosmophasis will help you out of sticky situations and put its life in your hands for the toughest fights ahead. And I mean that literally.

Your fuzzy new friend can gobble up the webbing of larger spiders to recycle as ammunition. Then you can use it as a handheld web-shooter to slow down incoming enemies, snatch up items from the ground, and swing around like a spider-themed superhero!

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